Friday, 15 May 2015

Dear Jordy Holtslag

My name is Angus Mackintosh and I'm 17 years old and I'm 18 in November the 1st. I have come to write this letter to you to know what you do at the media organisation. At the moment I'm studying creative media level 2 at Middlesbrough college, I'm a rugby player for the college and i'm a rower at rowing tees club. In my silver arts award i'm working on film poster and i'm doing this project with my friends who are Josh Smith, Aaron Stringer and Sadiq Arshad. What my film poster is a war poster about the modern war and the title is called World War. I did have experience at being an editor as I have done filming and done editing for it.

All I want to know is what is it like working in the editor? The reason that I ask of this is because I want to know what it would be like to work there and how much the job will offer me and wanting to know is it something that I might enjoy as career.

I would like to know how many hours do you have to work to do this job and what does this job expect from me. Do they want me to do a project to show them the stuff that I have done for my silver arts award or would they like me to do a video project which is something that I am in to.

What are the qualifications that I need to be an editor, camera man, photographer or a graphic designer. Would I need C's and above or do I need just creative media skills?How do I need to begin to find work in that sort of area of the organisation? What experience do I need do I need something from college or school to show the work that I have produce?Would they offer me a contract? Would they offer me a job but only get called in for the job?

What time do you start work? which days do you work? what type of work do they expect from me?

If you could get back to me asap then I would be greatful.

Yours sincerely Angus Mackintosh

I have written this message to Jordy Holtslag to ask him what it is like to work in the media industries as an editor and what grades you need to become an editor, how many hours would you work as editor and how much would you be paid. I written this meassage to him because he is the one who has explained everything about being an editor.

Friday, 8 May 2015

Silver arts award pathways

How do you begin finding work in your chosen area?
The type of job that I want is to become an cameraman in TV shows and films. The companies that I want to work for to become a cameraman are:
  • yarm studious 
  • BBC look north
  • itv look north
I want to become a cameraman because I find the job easy for me to deal with and it is something that I can keep in time and being patient about stuff is well.

Here are some examples of websites where the cameraman jobs are provided:

what education and qualifications do you need?

The type of qualifications that you need to become a cameraman are:
  • City and guilds diploma in media techniques in levels 1, 2 and 3 award certificate.
  • BTEC national certificate or diploma in media production.
  • BTEC HNC/HND in media (moving image)
  • Degrees in media production, media technology or photography
What other qualities as a person would you need to succeed in this area?

The qaulities that I will need to succeed to become a camera man are:

  • Passion for film and photography

  • Normal colour vision
  • Excellent technical knowledge of camera equipment
  • Strong IT skills
  • Good visualisation skills
  • Excellent observation and recording skills
  • Quick decision-making
  • Ability to multitask
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Ability to work calmly under pressure
  • Good level of fitness
  • Ability to handle heavy and delicate equipment
  • These are the type of skills that I will need to become a camera man for films, TV shows and the BBC news.

    What kind of careers, pathways and oppurtunities are available in this area of media?

    From becoming a cameraman you will becoming a normal camera man working for the BBC news or maybe even working in a studio, and you will be working your way up to becoming a professional, getting paid more and more involved with companies that want camera man.
    As you start to make your way up you might even become a senior camera man and will start to get into more projects and films and maybe even get paid more, as you get promoted you will be getting more work and money. The highest promotion you can get is acamera director which is the highest, as that job you will be in charge of other people and controlling the cameras and the planning of the cameras.